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Project report: Stadtentwässerung Braunschweig GmbH

Stadtentwässerung Braunschweig GmbH takes care of a variety of tasks within its area in and around Braunschweig. Operation, renovation and new construction of the city's sewer network, cleaning and repair of street drains as well as water protection and water maintenance, to name but a few. Its fleet includes several vacuum and rinsing lorries, which have to be serviced at regular intervals and repaired if necessary.

Arbeitsbühne im Einsatz an einem Spülwagen

Mobile, two-part working platform with height adjustment 

Modern vacuum and rinsing vehicles with water recovery have extensive superstructures in the roof area of the vehicles. Technological progress has also increased the amount of maintenance and repair work required in these areas. Previously, the vehicles were climbed onto using ladders, which did not really make the work on hoses and pumps any easier and, in the worst case, even had a negative impact on the technology on the roof. In order to get the special vehicles back on the road as quickly and safely as possible, the Braunschweig municipal drainage authority therefore decided in favour of a mobile, two-part KRAUSE working platform with height adjustment.

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