Training courses for Qualified Persons for ladders, steps, mobile scaffolds and fixed ladders as well as climbing and rescuing with PPE against falls from a height

User and product training courses for ladders, steps and mobile scaffolds

Ladders, steps and scaffolds are routinely used in a wide range of work settings. They are extremely effective and popular pieces of equipment for performing work at height that requires the use of both hands. Falls from ladders, steps and scaffolds are also one of the most frequent workplace accidents and generally tend to result in injury. These accidents are often the result of using ladders, steps and mobile steps incorrectly or improperly, and the use of damaged ladders, steps and mobile scaffolds.

Under the German Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV § 3), operators must ensure that ladders, steps and mobile scaffolds used within a company are regularly inspected to make sure they are in proper working order and safe by a Qualified Person with relevant training in performing such inspections.

Under the requirements set out in the German Social Accident Insurance’s (DGUV) Instruction Sheet 208-016, employers furthermore have to identify the measures, training and courses necessary to ensure the safe assembly and use of equipment, and that a qualified person appointed by them will periodically inspect ladders, steps and mobile scaffolds to make sure they are in proper working order.

The following KRAUSE training courses will provide you with the knowledge and understanding needed and to appoint a qualified person from within your company who will be able to independently define the type, scope and intervals for the required inspections:

Don’t have a Qualified Person in your company or your qualified person is not available? Then use our On-site Inspection Service!

Basic information on ladders, steps or mobile scaffolding (mobile working platforms)

Ladders, steps and mobile scaffolding (mobile working platforms) are used as work equipment in companies in almost all sectors to carry out numerous activities such as maintenance work, assembly or cleaning work. The employer is responsible for ensuring that the safety and health of employees is protected. To this end, various regulations, rules and the state of the art must be observed. Among other things, §14 BetrSichV stipulates that work equipment must be regularly inspected by a qualified person.


The compact seminar "Ladders, steps and mobile scaffolding (mobile working platforms)" provides the necessary knowledge for the safe provision and use of work equipment in the company within one seminar day. Participants also acquire the necessary expertise to carry out and document the regular inspection of ladders, steps and mobile scaffolding (mobile working platforms) as a qualified person. The seminar is aimed at all employers, managers and specialists who provide and use ladders, steps and mobile scaffolding (mobile working platforms) and are therefore obliged to carry out periodic inspections. This includes companies of all kinds, such as craft businesses, public authorities and industrial companies. Employees from the areas of maintenance, facility management and servicing as well as occupational safety specialists and safety officers are particularly suitable for participation.

Seminar content

  • The "qualified person" (legal basis, definition, tasks)
  • Relevant standards and regulations of German occupational health and safety law
  • Technical principles of ladders, steps and mobile scaffolding (mobile working platforms) (types, specifications, assembly)
  • Safe provision and use of work equipment
  • Theoretical instruction in inspection methods and documentation
  • Teaching the procedure for inspections using practical examples
  • Measures to be taken in the event of defective ladders, steps and mobile scaffolding (mobile working platforms)

Seminar locations

  • Attractive seminar hotels throughout Germany
  • KRAUSE-Werk Alsfeld
  • Online
  • On site at your company

Participation requirements

Participation in the seminar itself does not require any specific prerequisites. However, in order to be appointed as a qualified person, the necessary expertise must be demonstrated on the basis of the criteria "professional training", "professional experience" and "recent professional activity" in accordance with BetrSichV and TRBS 1203.

The practical seminar "Ladders and steps" provides the necessary knowledge for the safe provision and use of work equipment in the company within one seminar day. Participants also acquire the necessary expertise to carry out and document the regular inspection of ladders and steps as a qualified person. The practical discussion of various utilisation scenarios and an examination simulation using illustrative objects are an integral part of the seminar. The seminar is aimed at all employers, managers and specialists who provide and use ladders and steps and are therefore obliged to carry out periodic inspections. This includes companies of all kinds, such as craft businesses, public authorities and industrial companies. Employees from the areas of maintenance, facility management and servicing as well as occupational safety specialists and safety officers are particularly suitable for participation.

Seminar content

  • The "qualified person" (legal basis, definition, tasks)
  • Relevant standards and regulations of German occupational health and safety law
  • Technical principles of ladders and steps (types, specifications)
  • Safe provision and use of work equipment
  • Theoretical instruction in methods and documentation of the inspection
  • Teaching the procedure for inspections using practical examples
  • Practical implementation of a ladder inspection and discussion of utilisation scenarios using illustrative objects
  • Measures to be taken in the event of defective ladders and steps

Seminar locations

  • KRAUSE-Werk Alsfeld
  • On site in your company

Participation requirements

Participation in the seminar itself does not require any specific prerequisites. However, in order to be appointed as a qualified person, the necessary expertise must be demonstrated on the basis of the criteria "professional training", "professional experience" and "recent professional activity" in accordance with BetrSichV and TRBS 1203.

The practical seminar "Mobile scaffolding (mobile working platforms)" provides the necessary knowledge for the safe provision and use of work equipment in the company within one seminar day. Participants also acquire the necessary expertise to carry out and document the regular inspection of mobile scaffolding (mobile working platforms) as a qualified person. The practical assembly of mobile scaffolding and a test simulation are an integral part of the seminar. The seminar is aimed at all employers, managers and specialists who provide and use mobile scaffolding (mobile working platforms) and are therefore obliged to carry out periodic inspections. This includes companies of all kinds, such as craft businesses, public authorities and industrial companies. Employees from the areas of maintenance, facility management and servicing as well as occupational safety specialists and safety officers are particularly suitable for participation.

Seminar content

  • The "qualified person’" (legal basis, definition, tasks)
  • Relevant standards and regulations of German occupational health and safety law
  • Technical principles of mobile scaffolding (mobile working platforms) (types, specifications, assembly)
  • Safe provision, use and assembly of work equipment
  • Theoretical instruction in methods and documentation of the inspection
  • Teaching the procedure for inspections using practical examples
  • Practical implementation of an inspection and assembly of a mobile scaffold tower (mobile working platform)
  • Measures to be taken in the event of defective mobile scaffolding (mobile working platforms)

Seminar locations

  • KRAUSE-Werk Alsfeld
  • On site in your company

Participation requirements

Participation in the seminar itself does not require any specific prerequisites. However, in order to be appointed as a qualified person, the necessary expertise must be demonstrated on the basis of the criteria "professional training", "professional experience" and "recent professional activity" in accordance with BetrSichV and TRBS 1203.

The practical seminar "Fixed ladders" provides the necessary knowledge for the safe planning, operation and use of the various types of fixed ladders in the company within one seminar day. Participants also acquire the necessary expertise to carry out and document the regular inspection of fixed ladders as a qualified person. The detailed discussion of numerous practical examples and an examination simulation are an integral part of the seminar.

The seminar exclusively covers the topic of ‘fixed fixed ladders’. Mobile ladders and steps and their testing are not covered.

The seminar is aimed at all employers, managers and specialists who plan, provide and use fixed ladders and are therefore obliged to inspect them regularly. This includes companies of all kinds, such as assembly companies, public authorities and industrial companies. Employees from the areas of maintenance, facility management and servicing as well as occupational safety specialists and safety officers are particularly suitable for participation.

Seminar content

  • The "qualified person" (legal basis, definition, tasks)
  • Relevant standards and regulations of German occupational health and safety law
  • Technical principles of fixed ladders (types, specifications, planning, assembly)
  • Safe provision, use and assembly of fixed ladders
  • Theoretical instruction in inspection methods and documentation
  • Teaching the procedure for inspections using practical examples
  • Practical implementation of an inspection
  • Measures to be taken in the event of defective fixed ladders

Seminar locations

  • KRAUSE-Werk Alsfeld
  • On site in your company

Participation requirements

Participation in the seminar itself does not require any specific prerequisites. However, in order to be appointed as a qualified person, the necessary expertise must be demonstrated on the basis of the criteria "professional training", "professional experience" and "recent professional activity" in accordance with BetrSichV and TRBS 1203.

Basic information on personal protective equipment against falls from a height (PPE)

Personal protective equipment against falls from a height (PPE) is often used to protect employees working at heights and depths. The employer is responsible for ensuring that the safety and health of employees is protected. Various regulations, rules and the state of the art must be observed, from the selection and provision to the use of PPE. In particular, DGUV regulation 112-198 stipulates that employees who use PPE must receive practical and theoretical instruction at least every 12 months. Furthermore, according to ArbStättV in conjunction with DGUV Rule 112-199, a concept and trained employees must be available to rescue PPE users.

The basic seminar ‘Climbing and rescuing with PPE’ teaches the knowledge required for the safe use of PPE and rescue using and from it in accordance with DGUV regulations 112-198 and 112-199 over the course of two seminar days. The required theoretical and practical training content in accordance with the requirements of the accident insurance and the employers' liability insurance associations is an integral part of the seminar. The seminar is aimed at all employers, managers and specialists who use personal fall protection equipment. This primarily includes people who work in areas where there is a risk of falling or who carry out work at height, such as fitters, scaffolders, tradespeople or maintenance staff. The seminar is particularly suitable for people who are to be instructed in the use and rescue of and with PPE for the first time. The refresher seminar ‘Climbing and rescuing with PPE’ is recommended for regular refresher training.

Seminar content

  • General principles of occupational health and safety
  • Applicable standards and regulations - in particular DGUV regulations 112-198 and 112-199
  • Basic knowledge of PPE against falls from a height and RA (rescue equipment) - types and variants of PPE falls from a height and RA, material science, storage and care
  • Recognising defects
  • Possible hazards, consequences of accidents and consequences of improper use
  • Correct operational use of PPE including practical exercises (donning PPE, checking before use, securing with PPE)
  • Mission-related rescue using PPE/RA including practical exercises (rescue procedure, visual and functional check of the RA)
  • Initiation of first aid measures

Seminar locations

  • External KRAUSE training centre
  • On site in your company

Participation requirements

The following prerequisites are necessary for participation in the seminar and subsequent use of the PPEgA and rescue using it:

  • Minimum age 18 years
  • Physical and mental aptitude (recommendation: proof of a valid occupational health check-up)
  • Recommendation: valid first aid course
  • Sturdy footwear (recommendation: safety shoes) and suitable clothing
  • Own certified and tested PPE (Rental equipment will be provided for the seminar. This is included in the seminar price).

The refresher seminar ‘Climbing and rescuing with PPE’ teaches in detail the knowledge required for the safe use of PPE and rescue using and from it in accordance with DGUV regulations 112-198 and 112-199 within one seminar day. The required theoretical and practical training content in accordance with the requirements of the accident insurance and the employers' liability insurance associations is an integral part of the seminar. The seminar is aimed at all employers, managers and specialists who use personal fall protection equipment. This primarily includes people who work in areas where there is a risk of falling or who carry out work at height, such as fitters, scaffolders, tradespeople or maintenance staff. The seminar is only suitable for people who have already been instructed in the use of and rescue using PPE and serves to refresh their specialist knowledge as required by law. The basic seminar ‘Climbing and rescuing with PPE’ is recommended for initial instruction.

Seminar content

  • General principles of occupational health and safety
  • Applicable standards and regulations - in particular DGUV regulations 112-198 and 112-199
  • Basic knowledge of PPE against falls from a height and RA (rescue equipment) - types and variants of PPE against falls from a height and RA, material science, storage and care
  • Recognising defects
  • Possible hazards, consequences of accidents and consequences of improper use
  • Correct operational use of PPE including practical exercises (donning PPE, checking before use, securing with PPE)
  • Mission-related rescue using PPE/RA including practical exercises (rescue procedure, visual and functional check of the RA)
  • Initiation of first aid measures

Seminar locations

  • External KRAUSE training centre
  • On site in your company

Participation requirements

The following prerequisites are necessary for participation in the seminar and subsequent use of the PPEgA and rescue using it:

  • Minimum age 18 years
  • Physical and mental aptitude (recommendation: proof of a valid occupational health check-up)
  • Recommendation: valid first aid course
  • Sturdy footwear (recommendation: safety shoes) and suitable clothing
  • Own certified and tested PPE (Rental equipment will be provided for the seminar. This is included in the seminar price).

Our seminars are suitable as further training for occupational safety specialists in the sense of § 5 Par. 3 ASiG, are recognised by the Verband für Sicherheit, Gesundheit und Umweltschutz bei der Arbeit e.V. (Association for Safety, Health and Environmental Protection at Work = VDSI) and are awarded up to 2 further training points for occupational safety.

The Verband Österreichischer Sicherheits-Experten (Association of Austrian Safety Experts = VÖSI) rewards the participation in KRAUSE seminars with two VÖSI points.

The Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Arbeitssicherheit (Swiss Society for Occupational Safety = SGAS) also recognises KRAUSE seminars as further training and rewards them with 2 FBE (continuing education units) each.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us

Alexander Frese, Chantal Akkus und Christian Schwalm-Gsänger

Tel.: +49 (0) 6631 795-342 (Hr. Frese)
Tel.: +49 (0) 6631 795-258 (Fr. Akkus)
Tel.: +49 (0) 6631 795-344 (Hr. Schwalm-Gsänger)


Get in touch now!

Our in-house training courses will be completely tailored to your needs - you decide the date and place. The course contents will also be tailored to your company’s specific requirements. 

Get in touch with our course manager to arrange a bespoke in-house training course for your company:

Qualified person: Why are KRAUSE seminars so important for you

According to the Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV), a Qualified person for inspections is a person who has the required knowledge for testing work equipment due to her professional training, her professional experience and her recent professional activity. Qualified persons to carry out inspections must fulfil the requirements specified in the Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health = BetrSichV (training relevant to the subject, professional experience and recent professional activity, knowledge of the equipment).


  • The Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV § 3) requires regular inspection of all work equipment in commercial enterprises.

Legal requirements

  • The legal requirements and the Employer's Liability Insurance Association presuppose a Qualified in each company

Cost savings

  • No more external inspectors but in-house qualified personnel with responsibility

Accident prevention and risk reduction

  • Risk reduction by professional use of access and scaffolding systems


  • Clear clarification of responsibility and liability issues

Economic efficiency

  • Safe and long-term handling of work equipment


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